Sony ZV-E10 II: A NewVlogger-Friendly Camera

Sony ZV-E10 II A Vlogger-Friendly Camera

Sony has just revealed the ZV-E10 II, an upgraded version of its popular vlogging camera, the ZV-E10, which debuted three years ago. This new model adds exciting features while keeping the favorites from the original, like the background blur function and the vari-angle flip screen. What’s New in the ZV-E10 II? The ZV-E10 II now … Read more

What is Motherboard? And How does it Works?

What is Motherboard

After all, what is a motherboard? MotherBoard is the main printed circuit board (PCB) of a computer. Having said this, you can also call the motherboard the central communications backbone connectivity point of the computer, through which all the components and external peripherals are connected. You must have seen that a device to which all … Read more

iPhone SE 2024 at Just $449: Expected?

Iphone SE 2024

The iPhone SE series gained popularity right from its initial release thanks to its exceptional value proposition. The most recent iPhone SE hit the market in 2022 and remains a solid phone. However, its design, reminiscent of the iPhone 8, diverges from Apple’s current aesthetic, leaving many brand enthusiasts anticipating a modernized version. Fortunately, there … Read more

Reliance Jio’s New invention JioMotive 2023: Price, Features and more

Reliance Jio's New invention JioMotive

Reliance Jio has unveiled JioMotive, an innovative OBD device for cars, designed to transform any vehicle into a smart, connected machine in mere minutes. Packed with an array of cutting-edge features, JioMotive aims to enhance vehicle security and elevate the overall driving experience for users. Pricing and Subscription of JioMotive JioMotive is currently retailing at … Read more